The basics of affiliate marketing showing what is it and how it works.
From 'CPA' to 'cookies'. This is the terminology you need to understand to be able to talk 'affiliate marketing'.
Affiliate marketing operates through a 'platform'. Here we explain the difference between the two different platforns and explain what one you should use and why.
Affiliates need tools to go to work. Here we explain what those tools are and how they are deployed.
SWOT Analysis of running an affiliate program.
Here I show you a behind the scenes on affiliate platform software called 'Cake'.
Here I show you behind the scenes of the Amazon affiliate admin.
Affiliate program must have excellent conversion ratios or no-one will join them. Here we break down the structure of how a sale in made.
Here we break down the psychology behind a sale.
Here we look at how an affiliate program can enable you to sell from within a market as opposed to selling into it.
Here we look at how you build out sales funnels for different products and different affiliate types.
How to set up the basic structure of an affiliate program.
Here we breakdown how you work out what to pay affiliates.
How to identify high level affiliates capable to generating 6 figures monthly for your company.
Before you approach affiliates it is vital you have a sales system already in place which you can demo to them and teach them how to use it.
In this video tutorial we will show you how to recruit average sized affiliates and get them active.
How do you recruit 6 figure plus affiliates? Here is how you do it.
Here I show you a live demo on how to reruit affiliates.
There is also a spreadsheet attached that you need to use to collect the details.
This is for agencies showing them how to charge people for setting up and running their affiliate programs.
Here we show you how to bill clients for your services.
Here I show you how to write a proposal to companies to get their affiliate trade.
Here we look at why you should set up an affiliate network and why you can make it a success.
Here we look at how you can make money from running an affiliate network.
Here we look at the various types of affiliate network and we look at the one you should focus on launching.
Here I show you the road map for rolling out an affiliate network. Doing it this way will make it very easy for you to get clients and get it active.
If we were selling protein like '' here is how we would do it. This video show how we would structure the sales for each type of affiliate .
If we were pitching '' for their affiliate business this is how we would write out the proposal.
This is the strategy document that you will give to the client after doing an assessment on their business. This doesnt contain pricing and it just there to get sign off before you proceed.
Here we look at what features you would have to create for an affiliate program like ''.
Here we look at how you would set up the affilaite program in 'Cake' affiliate platform,
Here we give you a hands on demostation on how you would structure the sale for the different types of Hargreaves Lansdown affiliates.
You are an agency pitching for this deal this is a proposal that you deliver to the client to show how you will roll out the affiliate program.
Here we look at what features affilaite would need in a lead generation based program.
Here I show you step by step how to set up the affiliate program and deploy it.
Here we give you a hands on demo of how you would structure the sale for the different types of affiliates.
If I was pitching Stripe for their affiliate trade this is the proposal I would give them. This is for agencies pitching for affiliate work.
If you were to run the Stripe affiliate program you need to have certain features as this is an integration based affiliate program. Here I show you how to set that up.
Here we give you a hands on demonstration on how you would structure the sale for the different types of PWC affiliates.
If you were pitching Price Waterhouse Coopers for their affiliate trade this is how I would write the proposal.