
The Journey to 'A Digital Plan'.

How did I end up here in a position where I can say that I  truly understand the nature of digital marketing and can actually help you set up a sales system and an agency? 

Well, it all started in 1998 when I decided I wanted to learn the basics of setting up a website. So I went down and got a magazine from the shops with an internet access CD from ‘CompuServe’ on it and started building an online music magazine.

As I was trying to get traffic I discovered a website called ‘Bomis’ which was run by the guys who would later go on to set up ‘WikiPedia’. One of them called ‘Jimmy Wales’ showed me how I could make money by joining affiliate programs and sending traffic to companies such as Amazon (who were only selling books at the time) and a number of others including a CD and DVD store. 

From there onward I have been called into companies, primarily start-up or early stage, to design and deploy their sales and marketing platforms. Pretty much all of these had very low budgets and I had to get them into profit very quickly!

I recently decided after all these years my vast knowledge must be worth something so I created this website!

Anyway if you get stuck implementing anything on this site and want me to help just drop me a message and I will get back to you ASAP.


