This course is for advertising agencies and in house affiliate marketing departments. 

Do you want to launch a highly successful affiliate program for your company?

Join our affiliate program course and learn from a seasoned ‘7 figure affiliate’ who has mastered the art of affiliate marketing since the early days of Amazon. Whether you’re a beginner aiming for £10k per month or a seasoned pro looking to hit £100k per month, this blueprint is your ticket to success!

Our universal blueprint covers B2B, B2C, SaaS, and more – no matter your company, we’ve got you covered. Plus, you won’t be alone on this journey. Our team is here 24/7 to support you every step of the way.

David Tainsh.

Here is what the ‘Affiliate Blueprint’ contains:
…what you are about to learn how to do!

This blueprint is designed to teach you how to launch and scale affiliate programs  including:

4: Recruiting Affiliates
how to recruit affiliates

Here we show you how to recruit average sixed and large affiliates. We show you how to approach them and them active

5: Fraud Control
affiliate marketing fraud control

Where To Start : You need to identify who your audience is and why they are buying from you. This is the data that your campaigns are built on.

6: Pitching For Business

This section is for advertising agencies looking to get clients for affiliate marketing services. We show you how to write proposals and how to bill clients.

7: How To Set Up An Affiliate Network
how to set up an affiliate network

Here I show you how you can set up your own affiliate network for less than $250 per month.

Case Study : SaS Platform
affiliate marketing sas

Financial Trading: Here we show you how to design and deploy an affiliate platform for a financial trading platform

Integration Based Affiliate Program
affiliate marketing case study

Credit Card Processing Company: Here we show you how to build out and deploy an affiliate platform for a credit card processing company.

Case Study : Consultancy
affiliate marketing case study consultancy

Finacial sercices company: Here we show how to design and build out an affiliate program for a financial services company.

Case Study : Retail Client
affiliate marketing retail

Retail Client: Here we show you from start to finish how to build out an affiliate program for a retail client.

Case Study : You!
affiliate marketing tutorial

If you can’t adapt one of the case studies for your company I will do it for you and add it as a case study!

Questions And Answers:

Yes if you need anything I am available via email most of the time and at weekends. I want you to succeed so I am willing to be your co-pilot!

This can be used for B2B, B2C, SaaS, Consultancies etc. 

Yes the only cost is the course fee. There are no upsells etc.

You need to buy in an affiliate platform which can cost anywhere from $50 per month upwards.

This starts at the absolute beginning and works up so it really doesn’t matter what level you are to start with.

The courses are anything from 3 to 10 hours. The courses are split up into sections which range from 5 minute to 30 minutes videos so you don’t have to sit there and do the full course in one go.

Yes you will get a business invoice which you can use to write off against any tax bill you may have!

No all the courses are pre-recorded. You can go in at your leisure. 

You have life time access and get any updates to the course you buy for free.